I created the Blogfolio family of Blogger templates as a simple and cost effective method of creating a combined blog and portfolio using the Blogger platform.
Blogger is a free, yet highly featured blogging service perfectly suited to creating an online presence on a small budget. You can upload your images and photos for free, and even link your blog to a custom domain for as little as $10 per year!
The Blogfolio theme comes in four different color schemes, so you can be sure to find the perfect match for your unique visual style. Furthermore, all elements of the design are customizable: background and font colors, font sizes and type can all be changed in just a few clicks on the Fonts and Colors menu of your Blogger dashboard.
The striking Portfolio section on the home page enables you to place your featured content at the forefront of your website, while additional blog posts help explain more about yourself, what you do and indeed any other information you would like to publish online.
Twitter and Flickr widgets in the sidebar offer even more information about your work and activities, adding a greater degree of social networking status to your profile.
The Blogfolio theme can be purchased for the low price of $10 from ThemeForest.net. If you enjoy this theme, be sure to check out my other premium Blogger templates.
Image credit: Alejandro Peters
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